Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Nike Maxsight Contact Lenses

 Nike's Maxsight are lenses that Nike developed for outdoor activities. You could simply wear these lenses without actually wearing a pair of shades. Will I try it? probably to the beach or so!


I have been loving all sorts of workouts that has to do with " kettle bell weights". Here are some of my favorites!

 1. Two-handed kettlebell swing:

2. Kettlebell high pull:

3. Kettlebell Russian twist:

 4.Kettlebell Deadlift:

5. Kettlebell Squat:

Monday, April 22, 2013

Its all about the stripes

One of my favorite trends this spring is stripes!! Whether horizontal, vertical, thin or thick, stripes will instantly add a bold statement to your look. It's not only about clothing items or accessories but also furniture pieces. Trust me a striped couch could do wonders to your room.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Home Hair Remedy

Coconut oil is used in India and Philippines as a hair treatment and I mean look at their hair! It will help you gain that shine you lost, boost the protein in your hair, and will keep your hair from falling. Try this remedy once every 2 weeks or so for 1-2 hours.

Directions: 2-3 spoons of coconut oil (depending on your hair's length). * you can add 1 spoon of almond oil too.

Heat it in the microwave for about 10-30 seconds, let it cool down, and when it cools down apply on moisten hair.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Old is gold


Its not just some sugary vitamin water but it replenishes your dehydrated body and specially that summer is almost here. You can find sunblast vitamin water in any patrol station or Spinneys and it comes in two flavors!!!